Madden House Rules: Tug Of War

After a short break, the House Rules came back to the Tug of War competition this week! Limited time Head to Head Event! If you’ve played Superstar KO, you’re already familiar with the extra time in this mode. For those unfamiliar, the tug-of-war starts with a ball on the 50-yard line.

You and your opponent have ten plays (alternating) to push your way down the field. The first player to score a TD or whoever is closest to scoring after ten plays win!

You will earn an instant win if you manage to score a TD! As always, win more games, and you will get better rewards. Here’s a breakdown of the tournament’s reward levels this week:

                                                         Reward  Levels
1 Win: 1 UK Collectible, 10 Trophies 40 Wins: 2 UK Collectibles, 20 Trophies
5 Wins: 1 UK Collectible, 10 Trophies 45 Wins: 3 UK Collectibles, 30 Trophies
10 Wins: 1 UK Collectible, 10 Trophies 50 Wins: 3 UK Collectibles, 30 Trophies
15 Wins: 1 UK Collectible, 10 Trophies 60 Wins: 30 Trophies, 15,000 Coins
20 Wins: 2 UK Collectibles, 20 Trophies 70 Wins: 30 Trophies, 15,000 Coins
25 Wins: 2 UK Collectibles, 20 Trophies 80 Wins: 30 Trophies, 15,000 Coins
30 Wins: 2 UK Collectibles, 20 Trophies 90 Wins: 40 Trophies, 20,000 Coins
35 Wins: 2 UK Collectibles, 20 Trophies 100 Wins: 40 Trophies, 20,000 Coins

This House Rules event limited to time (48 hours), so be sure to win as soon as possible. Unlike full-length games, Tug of War is fast and can end in any particular game of TD. If you happen to lose a game, jump back to the House rules and try again.

These latest Madden 20 House Rules only take effect for a limited time, which means there is not much time to compete for this ten win! However, buying mut coins Madden 20 from a trusted RMT supplier on the market is a good shortcut.

How many wins or rewards are you hoping to get in this House Rules event before it expires? Click here to view more of Madden 20 news and learn about updates.

Madden House Rules: Tug Of Warultima modifica: 2019-09-18T09:31:17+02:00da
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